



首页 > 企业内训 > 如何提高客服质量--客户服务


发布时间:2023-08-24 点击次数:90 来源:企业内训

授课专家: [刘颖] 授课天数: 5000 天 收费标准: 价格面议 开办周期: 按需开办,有需要的企业请致电本站客服 受训对象: 工程师,客服人员 课程目标: 提高客户对企业的忠诚度,提高客户服务质量 课程大纲: 工程师服务规范及技能
Service Standard and Skill for Engineers
参加对象: Who should Attend
企业内负责客户售后的工程师、技术人员、维护保养者 After-sales engineer, technician, and maintenance service people.
课程目标: Course Objective
 技术服务的基本内容和对企业的意义 Know about the meaning of technical service and its content.
 良好技术服务的核心标准 Understand the standard of technical service.
 客户满意的服务流程和方法 Master the service process and approach, which makes customer satisfaction.
 个人的服务技巧 Grasp service skills.

课程大纲: Course Outline
 客服工程师的基本概念 The concept of customer service engineer
– 什么是客服工程师?What is customer service engineer?
– 产品客服工程师的重要作用 The function for product customer service engineer
– 产品的实物价值和服务价值 Material object value and service value for products
– 客服工程师的职责和角色 the role and responsibility of customer service engineer
 客服工程师的工作技巧和工作流程 Job skills and work process for customer service engineer
– 客户产品售后服务工程师的工作责任 Responsibility for after-sales service engineer
– 客户产品售后服务工程师的工作流程 Process for after-sales service engineer
– 产品性能解答技巧 Product introduction skill
 使用知识解答 Operation knowledge introduction
 保养方法解答 Maintenance introduction
 制造业服务案例The case study of manufacture service
 客户异议和投诉应对技巧 Complain answering skill
– 处理投诉原则和目的 Complain processing principle and purpose
– 处理客户投诉的步骤 Complain processing steps
– 处理客户投诉的注意事项 Matters needing attention for complain processing
– 不同投诉的处理技巧 Different complain processing skills
– 投诉管理制度 Complain management system
 投诉的获取 Complain gathering
 投诉的预防 Complain preventing
 投诉的记录和反馈 Feedback and record for complain
 制造业服务案例The case study of manufacture service
 客户跟踪服务 Follow up service
– 客户跟踪服务的概念和意义 The concept and meaning about follow up service
– 客户跟踪服务的要点和措施 The key point and process of follow up service
– 客户满意度调查 Customer satisfaction survey
– 客户关系管理 Customer relationship management
 制造业服务案例The case study of manufacture service
 服务礼仪 Service etiquette
– 初次访客的见面规范 Etiquette of first time visit customer
– 灵活应对的非语言技巧 Elastic reply with non-language communication skill
– 个人的职业形象准备 The preparation of personal professional image
– 接待客户的一般礼仪 The ordinary etiquette to serve the customer
课时Duration:2天,每天6小时2-days, 6-hour per day


Brief Introduction of the Trainer
Ms. Liu
Ms. Liu lived in US for over six years got bachelor and master degree there, worked in top 500 MNC in a senior trainer role for over eight years.

As a visiting professor at many universities such as Tsinghua University and etc.

Training in modern enterprise management mode of a deeper understanding of the various functions of the training management module has more in-depth understanding. Top 500 MNC in the world, either during the mid-level management positions in training, the training system in the global construction company, and the institute is responsible for curriculum development, teaching and so on. Training instructor in the institute of previous selection, the company has won customers, suppliers, and staff selected the "most affinity lecturer," "Gold lecturer," and other awards. Understanding of modern enterprise management pattern and practice of training experience, management of various functional modules of training are more in-depth understanding.

Courses will be profound traditional Chinese culture and Western modern enterprise management integration, to extract a set of features for domestic enterprises and enterprise employees the values and characteristics of the Code of Conduct. Case of a rich curriculum, language lively and easy to understand, enlightening, enlightenment and strong. Personal wealth of experience and understanding the language through lively interaction with the students and to share experiences with each other. The curriculum, such as spring breeze was blowing, touch hearts, memorable, by businesses and students praise.
Ms. Liu had training consultation of customers are: Ericsson, Michelin, Wall Street Institute, GE、HP、SONY、SK、PPR、ORACLE ,ICBC, Henkel, CSR, Daphne, Sinopec,Sunivo Supply Chain Management Co., Led,Hilti China Ltd, GRUNDFOS China, DET NORSKE VERITAS, Walt Disney US, Shanghai Electric, Ministry of Commerce, P.R. Chaina, Shanghai SANSheng investment group, Japan Carl encapsulate instrument, Red 100 international lighting, ChengShiBo Yang (Shanghai) HVAC technology, TANNENG clean system equipment (Shanghai), BODA data communication, Tianjin Jinpeng model steel profile, Red dragonfly shoes industry, Xinguang jewelry, Hangxiao Steel structure, Bonas group , Bao Steel Xinjiang Bayi Iron & Steel, Coconut palm group, Midea group, Little swan, LG Debon etc.

课程形式: - 讲授 - 启发式、互动式教学 - 小组讨论 - 案例分析
- 角色扮演 - 观看录象 - 练习



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