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发布时间:2023-08-24 点击次数:36 来源:企业内训

授课专家: [刘颖] 授课天数: 3 天 收费标准: 价格面议 开办周期: 按需开办,有需要的企业请致电本站客服 受训对象: 管理者和普通员工 课程目标:  突破当众讲话的紧张恐惧,提升当众讲话的技能
 掌握当众讲话的礼仪与规范,树立领袖形象,提升个人魅力
 迅速提升当众讲话的感染力和影响力,有效激励团队,发挥影响力
 掌握15个公众演说的魔术公式,能够在各种会议和社交场合上即兴发言,思路清晰、条理分明的表达自己的观点,发表精彩的讲话
 迅速增强说服技巧,使内容表达言之有理,丰富饱满,避免空洞无物
课程大纲:  树立自信克服恐惧
 上台紧张恐惧的原因
 紧张情绪的表现程度
 克服紧张情绪的方法
Build self-confidence to overcome fear:
Fear causes tension came to power
The performance level of tension
Ways to overcome nervousness
 台上礼仪与规范训练Training stage etiquette and norms
 台上礼仪的4大步骤:上台、开台、台中、退场
 Four steps for the appear on the stage, middle, end of the lecture
 3种呈现方式(声音、态势、内容)在各步骤中的运用技巧
 Three ways(Voice, posture, content) how to use the skills for the different steps
 上台 At the beginning of your speech
 上台的秘诀 The skills of appear on the stage
 上台时如何持稿,常见的2种的错误持稿法
 How to use your speech file and two wrong ways for it
 上台之前要检查的细节
 How to check the particulars
 开台 The beginning
 声音 1个“好”字重千斤
 A good voice is very important
 态势语言
 Your body language
 男士的1种基本站姿,女士的2种基本站姿
 The good standing for man and lady
 麦克风的2种基本拿法
 Two ways of using the microphone
 开台亮相时3种礼仪目光的运用
 The skills of your eye contact with others
 问好时3种肢体语言配合方式
 How to use your body language on your speech
 台上最得体的3个基本手位
 The skills of your hands body language
 台上最忌讳的3个错误手位
 The wrong ways of your body language
 如何正确持讲话稿
 How to use your speech profile
 台中 On the speech
 声音的要诀
 The skills of your voice
 态势语言
 Body language
 身体的要诀
 Your body
 手势的要诀
 Your hands
 表情与内容的配合
 Expression and content with
 忌小动作
 Avoid petty
 退场 Exit

 声音 结束时的忌讳
 态势语言
 退场时的要诀,退场态势的大忌讳
 Sound at the end of taboo
 Language situation
 Exit at the tips, the big taboo exit situation
 控场目光训练 Use your eyes to control your speech
 目光在演说中的3个作用
 The effect of eye contact on your speech
 目光交流的“3个区域”
 Eye contact of the "three areas"
 演说中“3种控场目光”的巧妙运用
 How to use "three kinds of control field vision" on your speech
 演说中“目光3要素”的运用
 How to use three elements for eye contact
 演讲中目光投射的4个方向
 Gaze direction projected 4 on your speech
 表情训练 Expression training
 常见的3种错误表情运用
 Three wrong expression on the speech
 表情变化的4个训练方法
 Four ways to training your expression
 手势训练
 常用的20个手势
 手势运用的原则
 演说姿势(站姿、座姿)的注意事项
Gesture training
Commonly used 20 gestures
The principle of the use gestures
Speech posture (standing, seat position)
 赞美式技巧在演讲中的运用
 10个赞美技巧
 经典赞美3句话
Praise-type skills in the use of speech
10 Praise skills
Classical Praise 3 words
 精彩的自我介绍
 自我介绍要素
 介绍名字的方法,让别人记住你
 介绍家乡的方法
 如何介绍职业
 如何介绍特长、爱好

Brief Introduction of the Trainer
Ms. Liu
Ms. Liu lived in US for over six years got bachelor and master degree there, worked in top 500 MNC in a senior trainer role for over eight years.

As a visiting professor at many universities such as Tsinghua University and etc.

Training in modern enterprise management mode of a deeper understanding of the various functions of the training management module has more in-depth understanding. Top 500 MNC in the world, either during the mid-level management positions in training, the training system in the global construction company, and the institute is responsible for curriculum development, teaching and so on. Training instructor in the institute of previous selection, the company has won customers, suppliers, and staff selected the "most affinity lecturer," "Gold lecturer," and other awards. Understanding of modern enterprise management pattern and practice of training experience, management of various functional modules of training are more in-depth understanding.

Courses will be profound traditional Chinese culture and Western modern enterprise management integration, to extract a set of features for domestic enterprises and enterprise employees the values and characteristics of the Code of Conduct. Case of a rich curriculum, language lively and easy to understand, enlightening, enlightenment and strong. Personal wealth of experience and understanding the language through lively interaction with the students and to share experiences with each other. The curriculum, such as spring breeze was blowing, touch hearts, memorable, by businesses and students praise.
Ms. Liu had training consultation of customers are: Ericsson, Michelin, Wall Street Institute, GE、HP、SONY、SK、PPR、ORACLE ,ICBC, Henkel, CSR, Daphne, Sinopec,Sunivo Supply Chain Management Co., Led,Hilti China Ltd, GRUNDFOS China, DET NORSKE VERITAS, Walt Disney US, Shanghai Electric, Ministry of Commerce, P.R. Chaina, Shanghai SANSheng investment group, Japan Carl encapsulate instrument, Red 100 international lighting, ChengShiBo Yang (Shanghai) HVAC technology, TANNENG clean system equipment (Shanghai), BODA data communication, Tianjin Jinpeng model steel profile, Red dragonfly shoes industry, Xinguang jewelry, Hangxiao Steel structure, Bonas group , Bao Steel Xinjiang Bayi Iron & Steel, Coconut palm group, Midea group, Little swan, LG Debon etc.

课程形式: - 讲授 - 启发式、互动式教学 - 小组讨论 - 案例分析
- 角色扮演 - 观看录象 - 练习



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